
Bringing the highest quality in the purest form of Himalayan Salt for Retailers, Manufacturers & Consumers alike!

Crown Food World is the main provider of all-common, food-grade Himalayan pink salt. We produce our own Salt Company brands for both retail and wholesale clients, and supply Bulk Himalayan Salt to manufacturers and food processors, as well as to private label clients who package and sell salt under their own brands.

Our unrivaled promise to quality and sanitation makes our pink salt the absolute best on the planet.

Extracting Salt From Its Purest Form

All Himalayan pink salt is mined only in Pakistan, in the foothills of Himalayan mountain ranges at Khewra, one of the oldest and largest salt mines in the world. The mine where we source our Himalayan salt is an intently watched, super facility. We’ve gone through over 10 years assembling a solid relationship with a respectable, FDA-enrolled miner that has provided us with unlimited supply of the raw salt from the mine to our facility to our clients.

When the raw salt is expelled from the mine, it is safely packaged in our efficient bags and shipped straightforwardly to our modern salt processing units in various areas of Pakistan. To keep up our strict Food Safety and quality principles, all auxiliary processing and packaging of the entirety of our salt items is constantly done here, utilizing our propriety innovation, machinery and exceptionally talented, trained salt specialists.

Our unrivaled promise to quality and sanitation makes our pink salt the absolute best on the planet.